The collected works of Lucian of Samosata, (ca.120 AD), who wrote poems, essays, and prose fiction. His works include the satires Peregrinus and Philopatrus, which were on the Vatican's Index of Prohibited Books of 1559. This edition also includes Philostratus (Lemnius) Eikones; Philostratus (Flavius) Heroica; and Callistratus Sophista. A folio format with a single column of small Greek type, this book is nearly 600 pages long. The Aldine Anchor & Dolphin device appears on p 580.
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Short-title (Latin):
Luciani opera. Icones Philostrati
Short-title (Greek):
Lucianus Λουκιανοῦ. Φιλοστράτου εἰκόνεις