This is Philostratus' (3rd century AD) account of the Life of Apollonius of Tyana, a scholar who travelled as far as India. This Greek text is coupled with the Aldus's preface (begins p 139), Latin translation by Alamanno Rinucinni (begins p144). The edition also includes Eusebius' Against Hierocles (begins on page 284) as translated by Zenobio Acciaiuoli -- these latter set in roman type. Aldus wrote that he regretted deciding to print Philostratus, but having started the project, he saw it through, and added Eusebius as an antidote. Hierocles had favourably compared Apollonius to Jesus, provoking a harsh response from later commentators like Eusebius. The Aldine Anchor & Dolphin device appears on the title page and again on p302.
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